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PixelMon Launcher Download

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Pixelmon Launcher is a multifunctional program for owners of the licensed game version. The launcher was developed specifically for the Pixelmon server group, and soon earned unprecedented popularity and grew into a separate project. Externally, the launcher interface has been completely redesigned for the better. A lot of bright and convenient elements were introduced. You can download Pixelmon Launcher from our website, the file is completely official and has not been modified.

The recent version of PixelMon Launcher: 2.1.7

After a quick download of the program with a size of about thirty megabytes, you can immediately run it and proceed to the game. But before that, you need to enter your account data. Then you can create a new profile and select the desired version of Minecraft. In total, the launcher has five tabs. The first tab is news, where the Pixelmon project news and news from official developers are located in convenient sections. You can read the news that interests you directly in the program or view the full news in the browser.

Модпаки в PixelMon Launcher

The second tab is the most interesting one because it contains a large catalog of resource packs that you can install by just clicking the "Install" button. After that, the launcher will automatically install the mod on your client. At any time, you can view the list of the installed mods and delete unnecessary ones. The third tab shows statistics about Pixelmon servers and allows you to quickly connect to them. The fourth tab, called "Donate", has the necessary tools for making payments and getting game currency.

Finally, the fifth tab opens the developer's official site inside the launcher. Please note that you can change the language and other launcher settings.

The program is translated into: English, Russian.

Download: pixelmonlauncherbeta-2_1_7.exe [28.34 Mb] (download count: 6417) (Windows)

The project is no longer active! Therefore, the launcher is also not functional. But you can always install PixelMon mod through TLauncher.
Last update of the article: 20-06-2020, 20:40 0 23 310
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